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B.Sc. Agricultural Marketing

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Marketing

Did you have completed your 10+2 in Science stream? Are you thinking to pursue a management course related to Agricultural Marketing? Here, you will get complete information about B.Sc Agricultural Marketing course. Learn about the eligibility criteria, course duration and various career advancements related to this undergraduate course in Agricultural Marketing.

Course Name: B.Sc. Agricultural Marketing
Group: B.Sc.
Stream: Science
Course Category: Agriculture
Duration: 3 years

About B.Sc Agricultural Marketing course

It is an undergraduate course in Agriculture Science and Technology. The term Agricultural Marketing comprises of two words – Agriculture and Marketing. In the wider sense, agriculture means activities aimed at using natural resources for human welfare and marketing refers to the activities involved in moving the goods from production point to the point of consumption. The subject of Agricultural Marketing comprises of marketing functions, price spread and market integration, channels, agencies, efficiency and cost. The agricultural marketing system is the link between farm and the non-farm sectors.

Eligibility Criteria

The basic eligibility criteria for pursuing B.Sc Agricultural Marketing course is a pass degree in Higher Secondary Examination or 10+2 from a recognized college or university.
The minimum duration of B.Sc Agricultural Marketing course is about 3 years divided into six semesters, with each semester lasting for a period of six months.

B.Sc. Agricultural Marketing 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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B.Sc. Agricultural Marketing - Colleges & Admission Notifications

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Asian Institution, Punjab

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Who is suitable for B.Sc Agricultural Marketing course

  • Candidates should be familiar with equipment research, product designing and engineering.
  • They should possess organizing skills, practicality, understanding power, precision and capacity to handle.
  • Other desired skills are ability to deal with people, logical thinking, patience, diplomatically, creativity, ability to keep calm under pressure and in inevitable crisis, apply new and innovative technologies and flexibility to understand.
  • Candidates should be able to draw sketches.
  • They should have knowledge about farm operations and agricultural processes, marketing and economics knowledge, ability to communicate well with others and strong analytical and decision making skills.

Advantages or benefits of B.Sc Agricultural Marketing course

  • Course is beneficial to provide students the required knowledge and skills to pursue a career in a variety of agricultural industries and a strong foundation in agribusiness.
  • It gives balanced learning about managing agribusiness and about various agricultural production system.
  • After completion of the course, candidates have wide variety of job scopes in areas like private and public sector organizations, food processing and retail industry, agribusiness firms, research organizations and laboratories.
  • Applicants can go for further higher studies such as Master's degree and then for research work.
  • This degree course gives good knowledge of agriculture and marketing to the students.
  • One can establish their own business by means of production and marketing of food grains and by setting up their own farms.
  • They can also provide consultancy services to farmers, agricultural workers and agro industries.

B.Sc. Agricultural Marketing Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

Are you looking for admissions for B.Sc. Agricultural Marketing for the academic year 2025 - 2026? We can connect you with the right colleges and universities offering B.Sc. Agricultural Marketing courses in your preferred locations.

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