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M.A. Human rights & Duties Education

Master of Arts Human rights & Duties Education

Do you want to pursue a postgraduate course in Human Rights & Duties? Do you want to promote Human Rights in the society? There are many colleges and institutes in India that provide this postgraduate course. Learn about this course in detail such as eligibility criteria, course duration and job prospects.

Course Name: M.A. Human rights & Duties Education
Group: M.A.
Stream: Science
Course Category: Humanities
Duration: 2 years

Course Overview

It is a postgraduate course in Human Rights. In this course, students learn about the promotion of human rights in society. Human Rights have become one of the indicators for measuring development and democracy across the system, good governance and governments in the contemporary world. Human Rights are the rights inherent to all human beings whatever may be the place of residence, nationality, caste, class, sex or religion.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The basic eligibility criteria to pursue M.A. Human rights & Distance Education is a Bachelor's degree in Arts stream or any other equivalent examination with a minimum of 50% marks from a recognized college or university.
  • Some institutes and universities conduct an entrance examination to provide admission to their postgraduate degree course.

The minimum duration of M.A. Human rights & Duties Education course is about 2 years they syllabus of which is divided into four semesters.

M.A. Human rights & Duties Education 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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M.A. Human rights & Duties Education - Colleges & Admission Notifications

Find the list of colleges offering M.A. Human rights & Duties Education course. Check out individual college websites to know more about the admission for 2025 - 2026 academic year. You may download the application form and course details from the official college website.

College Name
Ethiraj College for Women, Tamil Nadu
The Ethiraj College for Women, Tamil Nadu

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Tamil Nadu     

Who is suitable for M.A. Human rights & Duties Education

  • This course is suitable for those candidates who are aware about the protection of human rights and conflict management, and who possesses a methodological background and sound juridical and practical operation skills in such areas.
  • They should have far sightedness, social dealings and good behavior.
  • Candidates who are willing to go for further higher degrees such as M.Phil and Ph.D are also suitable for this course.
  • They also have the courage of identifying injustice and discrimination in society, can resist pressure from adults and peers to perpetuate discrimination.

Advantages or benefits of M.A. Human rights & Duties Education

  • There are various job prospects where Human Rights graduates can get placement.
  • This course enable the students to develop a strong theoretical and practical understanding of human rights law, politics and philosophy at regional, domestic and international levels.
  • Job opportunities are also available as a consultant, programmer, researcher, worker, manager, etc.
  • The Masters degree serve as a basis for higher studies in this field such as M.Phil and Ph.D.


The remuneration for human rights postgraduates depend upon the nature of job such as temporary, permanent and project based assignments. However, the various benefits and higher remuneration in this field depend upon which sector one is working like corporate houses, government, non-government or International Organization and even whether a person is working in India or abroad.

M.A. Human rights & Duties Education Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

Are you looking for admissions for M.A. Human rights & Duties Education for the academic year 2025 - 2026? We can connect you with the right colleges and universities offering M.A. Human rights & Duties Education courses in your preferred locations.

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