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B.Ed Inforation Technology

Bachelor of Education in Information Technology

Are you graduate with interest in Information Technology? Are you looking forward to having a career in teaching line only? If you have a positive answer to both the questions, you should pursue B.Ed. in Information Technology. All the course related details are mentioned below for your reference.

Course Name: B.Ed Inforation Technology
Stream: Education
Course Category: Education
Duration: 2 years


B.Ed. is Bachelor of Education a graduate level course in the field of education. This course has become mandatory nowadays to get entered into the career of teaching. B. Ed. can be done in any subject of your interest. B. Ed. in Information Technology teaches both educations in terms of teaching as well as information systems which include design, development, management, implementation, etc of information systems using computer hardware and software applications. Candidates learn about storing, converting, processing, protecting and transmitting the retrieved information.
B. Ed. can be done as a part-time course or through correspondence but it needs practical classes where the candidates are supposed to take sample classes.


The duration of this course is 2 regular years (earlier it was 1 year) which includes theory classes and sample classes where candidates learn to prepare notes and teach the students.

B.Ed Inforation Technology 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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B.Ed Inforation Technology - Colleges & Admission Notifications

Find the list of colleges offering B.Ed Inforation Technology course. Check out individual college websites to know more about the admission for 2025 - 2026 academic year. You may download the application form and course details from the official college website.

College Name
Akar Adhyapan Mandir, Gujarat
Amulba Mahila B. Ed. College, Gujarat
Anjuman B.Ed College, Karnataka
Aradhna College of Education, Gujarat
B. Ed. College Singvad, Gujarat
Chanakya Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Gujarat
Chaudhari College of Education, Gujarat
D. A. Shukla B. Ed. College, Gujarat
D. S. Patel Adhyapan Mandir, Gujarat
Dharmaj College of Education, Gujarat
G. L. S. Institute of Teacher Education, Gujarat
Gopalak Vikas Mandal Mahila B. Ed. College, Gujarat
H. M. Bhura B. Ed. College, Gujarat
Hillwoods Academy Of Teachers Education, Gujarat
Hiraba B.Ed. College, Gujarat
I. D. Patel College of Education, Gujarat
J & R B. Ed. College, Gujarat
J. G. College of Education For Women, Gujarat
J. K. Desai B.Ed. College, Gujarat
J. N. Patel B. Ed. College, Gujarat
K. K. M. College of Education, Gujarat
M N Shukla College of Education, Gujarat
Maa Gayatri B. Ed. College, Gujarat
Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Gujarat
Maniba College of Education, Gujarat
Muralidhar B. Ed. College, Gujarat
Nalanda B. Ed. College, Gujarat
Prakash College of Education, Gujarat
R. J. Patel College of Education, Gujarat
R.B. Sagar College of Education, Gujarat

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This course is available for a graduate in Information Technology or any other equivalent course from a reputed institute. Candidates should have scored 55% marks or higher to become eligible for this course.
The age criteria need to be checked from the selected institute as it varies from one institute to another and the candidates from the reserved category may also get some relaxation in the same.

Admission Procedure

Admissions process depends upon the institute to select for the same. Some institutes offer direct admissions whereas some may create a merit list on the basis of the marks you scored in graduation.
Only some reputed institutes conduct entrance test or interview sessions to validate the knowledge of candidates and depending upon their performance, they shortlist the deserving ones for the admissions.

Further Study options

After B.Ed, candidates have many options if they want to continue their studies. They can pursue Master of Education or M.Ed., M.Sc. in Information Technology, M.C.A. and many more.
M.Phil and the Ph.D. are also available for these candidates if they want to have a scientific career in future.

Course Highlights

The part of the course which deals with information technology includes topics like Care and advanced Java, basic mathematics, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, algorithm design, computer networking, etc. Candidates also learn about data mining, data communication, e-commerce, and management information systems.
The Education part of the course includes teaching about lesson plans, assessments, demonstrations, etc.

Job aspects

B.Ed. is a course specially designed for teaching and these candidates are the best suitable options for teaching.

B.Ed Inforation Technology Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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