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Diploma Nutrition and Health Education

Are you searching for study options after passing your 12th examinations? If you are not very much techno savvy and have interest in Nutrition and health related subjects then Diploma Nutrition and Health Education is a good option for you. All the required details like admission, eligibility, duration, etc are mentioned here for your reference.

Course Name: DNHE
Group: Diploma
Stream: Healthcare & Medical Science
Course Category: Nutrition
Duration: 1 Year-4 years

About the course

The course gives an opportunities to learn about public health and nutrition. It teaches about basic key areas related to nutrition and health sector. The candidates develop their skills to work as dietitians or health educators.
It is a 32 credit programme which is equivalent to 4 combined courses.


As the course does not require any prior specialization, 12th passed students can apply for this diploma course. The only thing which is required is to have keen interest in the field they are choosing as their career.
Being a professional course, candidates already working in related field can also pursue the course to have further benefits associated with the course.

Job options

The course provides opportunities to work as dietitian, a health consultants or specialist and can be a self employed. They have many options to work in government sectors like hospitals, NGOs, schools and colleges.
They equally have non-government opportunities like private hospitals, consulting agencies, etc.

DNHE 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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DNHE - Colleges & Admission Notifications

Find the list of colleges offering DNHE course. Check out individual college websites to know more about the admission for 2025 - 2026 academic year. You may download the application form and course details from the official college website.

College Name
Dodla Kausalyama College For Women, Andhra Pradesh
Ginni Devi Modi Girls (p.g.) College, Uttar Pradesh
Government Post Graduate College, Uttarakhand
Indian Board of Alternative Medicine, West Bengal
Sibsagar College, Assam
Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College Of Home Science, Maharashtra

To add a college to the above list, you must search for college and then add a course to the college.

Filter by State

Andhra Pradesh     Uttar Pradesh     Uttarakhand     West Bengal     Assam     Maharashtra     


The duration of this course varies from 1 year to 4 years. It can be pursues full time as well as part time course. The essential thing is to clear all the sub courses individually.
There are some institutes which offer the course on hourly basis and their duration is mentioned in hours.

Age criteria

Being a job oriented diploma course; it has no restriction of age for admission. A 12th passed candidate of any age can pursue this course.

Higher education options

After successful completion of this course, candidate can go for other job oriented programmes to increase the chances of getting good jobs. These programmes can be computer related ones, other health related programs and if interested he or she can pursue the graduation degree also.

Course highlights

As mentioned above that this diploma is a combination for 4 different sub courses which are Nutrition for the Community, Public Health and Hygiene, Nutrition and Health Education and Project work on Nutrition and Health Education.
For completion of this course, candidates need to do a project for few months (duration may vary from institute to institute). This project gives them a direct exposure of their professional life afterwards.

DNHE Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

Are you looking for admissions for DNHE for the academic year 2025 - 2026? We can connect you with the right colleges and universities offering DNHE courses in your preferred locations.

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