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M.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering

Masters of Technology in Aeronautical Engineering

Looking out for the details of M.Tech. Aeronautical engineering course? Want to know what is the eligibility and admission criteria, course details and the job opportunities of this course? Then on this page, you will find all the details you are looking out for including the colleges which offer this course.

Course Name: M.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering
Group: M.Tech.
Stream: Aviation
Course Category: Aeronautics
Duration: 2 years


The minimum eligibility criteria is a B.E/B.Tech of Aeronautical or any other equivalent branch of engineering.

Admission criteria:

The admission is based on merit ranking of the graduate exam/ GATE exam/ Institute level exam.

Course overview:

This post graduate course is provides the knowledge and skills pertaining to various areas of aeronautics like aerodynamics, dynamics and control, aerospace propulsion and aerospace structures so that the post graduate student can contribute to the aeronautical industry.

M.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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M.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering - Colleges & Admission Notifications

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Course Details:

This two year course comprises of lecture-based sessions in the first year with coursework, lab exercises, tutorials and other co curricular activities. While in the second year the student is expected to carry out a research or an implementation project. Some universities also include a six month internship along with project.

Job opportunities:

There are ample opportunities for the PG students in research and production in the aeronautical sector. Various private organizations like L&T, HCL, Taneja Aerospace etc. and government organizations like DRDO, DRDL, NAL, ISRO etc. employ these post graduate students.

Higher studies:

This course culminates into PhD , with research in an area of interest in this domain.

M.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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