Introduction to Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine for healing pain. It's an ancient art of Chinese medicine that has been practised for centuries. The method is effective for curing common ailments and is drug-less.The treatment involves insertion of thin needles into the specific points in body of the patient to cure the ailments. This procedure is used to treat a wide range of physical conditions such as muscular-skeletal disorders, gastro- intestinal and gynaecological disorders, pain relief allergies, neurological and respiratory and circulatory disorders. An acupuncturist treats the patient by observations and questioning the patient. The are four diagnostic methods for treating- inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiring and palpation.
Eligibility Criteria for the course- The candidate must posses medical degree and is open for siddha, ayurveda, homeopathy or unani also from a recognised university. The student must posses keen interest in this form of alternative medicine.
Course Description
Acupuncture is an ancient practice of treating patients with ailments. The method aims at improving the overall well being of a person. The treatment is provided after assessing the patients condition and is used to relieve pain of the patient. . Acupuncture is a safe treatment when done by a trained practitioner using clean needles into the body. The adverse effects of healing treatment are minor and its's an effective method for patients who do not want to take drugs. Needles are inserted into the skin for stimulation of energy for ten to fifteen minutes for the healing process. The study of subjects covers basic anatomy, physiology, infections, immunity, aseptic precautions, basic aspects of acupuncture, historical survey, needles points and their location, needle sensation, problems- effects, main channels and meridians course, their connection, theories, prescriptions writing auricular therapy treatment, anaesthesia etc. The course also covers the study of five elements theory points, ancillary acupuncture, medical ethics, classical and applied acupuncture, clinical practice, bio-energy flow and common disorders treatment. The training imparts observational skills, procedures, treatments and clinical practice.
Job prospects: Jobs are available in acupuncture centres, and the qualified doctors can also be self employed.
Diploma Health Science in Acupuncture Admissions for 2024 - 2025 Academic Year
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