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B.Sc. Electronics & Communication Systems

Bachelor of Science in Electronics & Communication Systems

Are you searching for details about B. Sc in Electronics & Communication Systems? If yes, then you are right place. This course is available for 12th passed candidates and all the general details including eligibility, duration, course structure, etc are mentioned below. It is available in many technical institutes of India and abroad.

Course Name: B.Sc. Electronics & Communication Systems
Group: B.Sc.
Stream: Science
Course Category: Electronics
Duration: 3 years


B.Sc. is Bachelor of Science and it is a under graduate course with different specialization. B.Sc. in Electronics & Communication Systems is related to study about designing of electronics, computer and communication systems. It also teaches about navigational aids, industrial control and electronic systems. Candidates learn about all the advances electronic techniques which in use for electronic communications like radio, television, cell phones, satellites, digital transmission systems, LAN Systems, etc.
This course is completely technical in nature and cannot be pursued as part time course or through correspondence.


Candidates studies mathematics and Science in 12th standards and have secured 70% or above from a reputed institute/ recognized board are eligible for this course.
It is advised to check the minimum qualifying marks and eligible age before submitting the application form which will save you from the rejection.

B.Sc. Electronics & Communication Systems 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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B.Sc. Electronics & Communication Systems - Colleges & Admission Notifications

Find the list of colleges offering B.Sc. Electronics & Communication Systems course. Check out individual college websites to know more about the admission for 2025 - 2026 academic year. You may download the application form and course details from the official college website.

College Name
Syed Hammeda Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu
Udaya College of Arts & Science, Tamil Nadu
V.V. Vanniaperumal College for Women, Tamil Nadu

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Tamil Nadu     Chhattisgarh     West Bengal     

Admission Procedure

This course is having high competition, hence admissions are not very easy. Candidates need to submit the filled forms before last date along with all other required documents. Most of the institutes conduct their own entrance test to short list the deserving candidates for the course. Some institutes may also conduct interviews after entrance examinations.


The duration for this course is 3 regular years which are divided into 6 semesters.

Further Study options

After successfully completing the course, candidates are advised to purse higher studies to have improved skills and job options. Interested candidates can pursue Master of Science in electronics and Communications, Master of philosophy in electronic and communication systems, etc.
The last option is to enroll for PhD which is a research based degree and it will allow you to work in scientific field.

Course Highlights

The course starts with basics like basic electronics and electricity, physics of materials, electromagnetism, AC- DC Circuits, amplifiers, Oscillators, Semiconductor devices, etc. Candidates also learn about numerical methods, integrated circuits, digital electronics, microprocessors, antennas ad wave propagation in later part of the course.
The instrumentation part of the course is very important and includes study about medical electronics, power electronics, industrial electronics and computer networking.
At the end, candidates are supposed to pursue a small project or dissertation and then submit the report.

Job aspects

These candidates can become service engineer, technical director, network planning engineer, field test engineer, software analyst, etc.
They can work in telephone industries, electricity boards, media ad film industry, software companies, Railways, Hardware manufacturing firms, etc very easily.

B.Sc. Electronics & Communication Systems Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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