Find list of colleges in Maharashtra offering B.Sc. General courses. Check out the admission notifications of B.Sc. General, entrance exams in Maharashtra, eligibility criteria, fees structure and other details.

Course Name: B.Sc. General
Group: B.Sc.
Stream: General
Course Category: General
Duration: 3 years

Which colleges offer B.Sc. General in Maharashtra?

The following colleges offer B.Sc. General course in Maharashtra. If you are looking for B.Sc. General admission for the 2025 academic year, you may contact the individual colleges for admission details, eligibility criteria, application forms etc.

  1. A. D. N. Institute of Para Medical Sciences, Nagpur
  2. Aki's Poona College of Arts, Commerce & Science
  3. B.K. Birla College of Arts, Science & Commerce
  4. Bapuraoji Butle Arts Narayan Bhat Commerce and Bapusaheb Patil Science College
  5. Bhawabhuti Mahavidyalaya
  6. Excel College of Higher Education
  7. Fergusson College
  8. Gargi Agriculture Research And Training Institute
  9. Indian Cyber College
  10. Institute of Science
  11. Jijamata Mahavidyalaya
  12. Kamla Nehru Mahavidhalaya - Nagpur
  13. Karmveer Abasaheb Alias N.M. Sonawane Arts Commerce and Science College, Satana
  14. Maharshi Dayanand College of Arts, Science & Commerce
  15. Nabira Mahavidyalaya
  16. Patkar – Varde College
  17. Phulsing Naik Arts, Commerce & Science Mahavidyalaya, Pusad
  18. R.N.C. Arts J.D.B. Commerce and N.S.C. Science College
  19. Raja Shripatrao Bhagwantrao Mahavidyalaya
  20. Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalaya, Latur
  21. Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's Veer Wajekar Arts,Science & Commerce College
  22. Shahaji Raje Mahavidyalaya,Khatav
  23. Smt. Chandibai Himatmal Mansukhani College
  24. Softkey Education & Infotech Ltd
  25. Vikas College Of Arts Science & Commerce
  26. Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya
  27. Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Science
  28. Yavatmal Zilha Akhil Kunbi Samaj Yavatmal Dwara Sanchalit Gopikabai Sitaram Gawande Mahavidyalaya
Click on the college name in the above list and find the details of the colleges and courses. If you are looking for admission for B.Sc. General in any of the above colleges, you may click on the button below and we will connect you with the admission consultants in your area.

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