Find list of colleges in West Bengal offering B.Sc. General courses. Check out the admission notifications of B.Sc. General, entrance exams in West Bengal, eligibility criteria, fees structure and other details.

Course Name: B.Sc. General
Group: B.Sc.
Stream: General
Course Category: General
Duration: 3 years

Which colleges offer B.Sc. General in West Bengal?

The following colleges offer B.Sc. General course in West Bengal. If you are looking for B.Sc. General admission for the 2025 academic year, you may contact the individual colleges for admission details, eligibility criteria, application forms etc.

  1. Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose College
  2. Behala College
  3. Charuchandra College
  4. Dr. Meghnath Saha College
  5. Durgapur Women's College
  6. Hooghly Mohsin College
  7. Netaji Nagar Day College
  8. Rabindra Mahavidyalaya
  9. Raiganj Surendra Nath Mahavidyalaya
  10. Raja Rammohan Roy Mahavidyalaya
  11. Sambhu Nath College
  12. Sammilani Mahavidyalaya
  13. Serampore College (University) (ssc)
  14. Seth Anandram Jaipuria College
  15. Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya
  16. Sonarpur Mahavidyalaya
  17. St. Joseph's College
  18. St. Xavier''s College
  19. Surendranath Evening College
  20. Tarakeswar Degree College
  21. Uluberia College
  22. Vivekananda College
  23. Vivekananda College for Women
  24. Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Haripal
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Apply for B.Sc. General in West Bengal

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