Find list of colleges in Odisha offering P.U.C Political Science courses. Check out the admission notifications of P.U.C Political Science, entrance exams in Odisha, eligibility criteria, fees structure and other details.

Course Name: P.U.C Political Science
Group: Certificate
Stream: Science
Course Category: Politics
Duration: 2 Years

Which colleges offer P.U.C Political Science in Odisha?

The following colleges offer P.U.C Political Science course in Odisha. If you are looking for P.U.C Political Science admission for the 2025 academic year, you may contact the individual colleges for admission details, eligibility criteria, application forms etc.

  1. Ananta Narayana Maha Vidyalaya
  2. Anchalik Science College
  3. Anchlik Mahavidyalaya
  4. Aska Science College
  5. B.J.B Junior College
  6. Balajee Mahavidyalaya
  7. Basudev Sethy Science College
  8. Bhadrak Autonomous College
  9. Bhismagiri College
  10. Biju Patnaik College
  11. G.A. Mahavidyalaya
  12. Gangeswari Mahavidyalaya
  13. Government Science College, Chhatrapur
  14. Hill Top College
  15. Kabisurya baladav science college
  16. Khemundi College
  17. Mac Maicle Sans College, Ganjam, Orissa
  18. Narasingha Choudhury College
  19. Nayagarh Autonomous College
  20. Nrusinghanath College
  21. Ravenshaw Junior College
  22. Sailabala Womens College
  23. Satyasahi College for Women''s
  24. Somanath Science College
  25. Tulasi Women's College
Click on the college name in the above list and find the details of the colleges and courses. If you are looking for admission for P.U.C Political Science in any of the above colleges, you may click on the button below and we will connect you with the admission consultants in your area.

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