Courses » Journalism, Media & Communication »

Journalism is a ever growing field and with tremendous scope and ability to move forward in career. This course stream page provides information about the various course groups and courses for Journalism, Media and Communication in India. Check to know the various courses for Journalism, universities having approved courses and the colleges offering education in this field. Also, get to know the current admissions going on in Media and Communication education

Journalism and communication have been probably the oldest of institutions all over the world. Even before the proper education channels arises, Communication was there and it is only through communication that the world has progressed to this day. Ideas are being shared only on the basis of communication and media. Journalism has made spreading of news and updates to the population on a large scale. Media and Journalism has also led to formation of a commercial channel to advertise and let people come to use a facility or faculty as it was advertised. This has led to new work opportunities of marketing. This page describes about the different faculties in Journalism, Media and Communication.

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1.  Entertainment    - Entertainment
Do you desire to work in the entertainment industry? Wondering which course to join? Then here it is. On this page you will find the required information about the what this industry is all about, the courses and job opportunities in this domain. Read on and decide whether to opt for studies in entertainment.
2.  Languages    - Languages
Wondering whether to make a career in an Indian or a foreign language? Want to know the courses offered in India? On this page, you will find all the essential information you will need to decide which language course to take up and why.
3.  Advertising    - Advertising
Do you want to make your career in advertising? Do you want to know how to create and manage media campaigns? Then, you are at the right place. Read on to know some of the essential information regarding advertising and get an overview of this course in India.
4.  Marketing    - Marketing
Do you want to improve your marketing skills? Do you want to make your career in Sales and Marketing field? Do you want to know the colleges where you can pursue Marketing courses? This page tells you the all the details about Marketing course. Find below the list of courses in Marketing.
5.  Journalism    - Journalism
Ever thought of getting into the journalism industry?Wondering about the courses available in India? Then on this page, you can check out what journalism is all about, the courses offered and the job opportunities available to make a successful career in this industry.

How to get into Journalism and Media?

Entry into education related to these fields are possible after completing 12th standard education. Some states may have entrance examination to the courses for gaining into academic studies and thus graduating into a profession as an expert in presenting information to people in a correct and just manner.

Different professions after graduating in this field

A student graduating in Communications and Mass Media can enter into many different fields. They can be writers, journalists, editors, media management, audio jockey, radio jockey, news reader, advertisement managers and so on. Recent boom in the industry has led to creation of many positions which were unknown until recent past.