It is most often that we come across many people who deliver speech in some occasion or other. But delivering a speech does not mean just reading a book. It is different than that. You must keep certain things in your mind before delivering a speech. Especially students must have this idea of how to deliver a speech because they are required to do so very often.
Let's see what things we must consider before delivering a very good speech-
Deciding the necessary things to be discussed - The very first step before delivering a speech must be the decision of the main things that are to be discussed in the speech. We cannot talk all nonsense there making jokes and things as such. We need to be very much concentrated on the main purpose of the speech. One must not let the audience feel that the speech is a boring one. It must be short and precise and as much possible, to the only aim of the speech.
Usage of sayings - There are many times that speeches are made a good one, but then there is no beauty in the speech. The words all look to be monotonous all around the speech and the audience tends to sleep or tends to yawn and think that this speech is nothing but a stress making exercise. So we can actually use some sayings in the speech to add to the beauty of the speech. It is a very good idea always to start the speech itself with a saying or so. This attracts the audience and forces him to keep listening to the speech. This does not let them think that the speech was full of boredom. We can use sayings in the middle too, sometimes, for it regains the attention of the audience and pays to the speech maker. But it is also not a very good idea to use too many sayings all over the speech. It snatches away the beauty of the speech because people then tend to think that this speech maker knows nothing and is simply trying to boast by using so many sayings.
Things to be discussed once - It is most often seen that sometimes during speeches the speech maker tends to speak the same thing many times. It is not needed. It does not impart any good idea to the audience and they once again think that there is no need for this speech as the speech maker himself does not know what to speak because he does not have anything in his mind and is speaking the same thing so many times.
Eye Contact - This is the most difficult part of speech delivery. We know that while we talk to others, we often see in their eyes or faces while doing so. Eye contact means looking at the audience with so many expressions rather than just seeing the sky and reading a book or pamphlet. It is the worst part of any speech if the speech maker does not talk to the audience but reads to them. We need to have constant eye contact with the audience while speech making, because it makes the audience feel that the speech maker is actually not just reading things but he is actually talking to the people and we know that while talking we pay more attention to people.
Repetition of the main points - It is a very good idea that at the end of the speech, one should repeat the main idea of the speech at the conclusion. It refreshes the audience's minds about the speech and they tend to learn more.
Sample Usage
Here is a resource that i had posted in ISC. One can use it in the form of speech too. Now try to see whether you can do justice with the piece.
"Introduction - Today, a major concern of the environment is the depleting of the watertable. Watertable means the water that is present under the surface of the earth, trapped below different layers or so on. This watertable is very necessary to be as usual as it was dacades ago. The depletion in the level of watertable is a big concern for today's environmentalists. They are planning more and more to secure the water level of the watertable. There are many causes of the depletion of the watertable. One such cause is the deep boring, which is mainly done for fitting handpumps in houses. The biggest drawback of the handpump system is that it takes water from the underground. That is it directly depletes the level of the watertable. This causes the water from that watertable to exhaust and after several years the water is exhausted from that watertable.
There is another very big cause for the depletion of the water level of the watertable. Today, there are so many constructions going all over the world. For example, we cannot see a barren land in USA in the cities, in the midst of them. It is not only in USA or China that we cannot see plain and unconcreted land in the cities but in also many cities of India too. In the process of construction, we often concrete the ground too, so that it looks beautiful and we also do this due to some other reasons too like safety. Due to so much of concretion, plain land (barren land having topsoil) cannot be seen because we have concreted so much of the plain barren land. Due to this the water that used to seep down to the ground before the land was concreted, now uses to stay and accumulate on the concreted lands. The water is therefore not allowed to be seeped down to the ground and add to the watertable. And not only this, this accumulation of water on the roads, streets, pits and other places like this also gets a dwelling place for many fatal diseases and we keep on thinking how we got struck by malaria and typhoid.
So on the whole we can say that on one hand, we are just leaking the ground also and not allowing the water to seep down also. So the level of watertable is depleting days and nights. It is depleting with double speed. If this continues to be ongoing, that day is not so far that we will have to think about how to obtain freshwater because the watertable which contained freshwater for us has now been depleted and it is very much possible that many fertile lands which were full of greenery might become deserts in a decade or a couple of years or so.
Description - But there is one way out through which one can restore the water level. Of course, it is not sensible to say that if one person does this, the full watertable on the earth will be restored. But yes, if every person does his/her bits, then it is possible that we can take this topic of concern under control and thus eradicate this problem. The way through which we can restore the water level is known as rainwater harvesting. Now let me explain what we do in it. In rainwater harvesting, first we make a level of land in such a way that whenever it rains, the whole rainwater shall collect into a central point (a central place over that area). The most interesting thing about this is that we can also do this on a concreted land. First all the rainwater should be collected in a central point. That water shall be stored in a tank and there shall be a big dig dug into the ground. It may be not so broad (not so much in diameter) but it may be a narrow one. That rainwater stored in that tank shall be allowed to seep down slowly to the ground. In places where there is too much rain, it is possible that big tanks shall be installed and more than one even.
So whenever it rains, the whole rainwater is seeped down to the ground. Even if the whole rainwater does not seep, but still most of the quantity will be seeped as all of them are allowed to be collected in a central point. It is also possible that we can use the method of pipelines, to conduct the collecting process of rainwater harvesting over a very big area of land. In this process, we can easily restore the level of groundwater, that is watertable is restored.
I hope this was a very nice piece of information because we cannot stop concreting land, so why not get things done out of methods such as these. I hope this healthy piece of information could influence the ISCers here, and I hope they will think about practising this in their own houses. "