It is not so easy to write an essay. Writing essay is an art. It needs a lot of preparation, skill and constant practice.
Generally, an essay is written on a given topic. It is composed of a number of paragraphs designed and developed sequentially on the topic. The order of arranging the thoughts in well-connected paragraphs keeping in mind the principles of unity, coherence and proportion is of utmost importance.
While writing an essay, the following points should be kept in mind: 1. Choose a topic from amongst the given ones about which you have a fair idea.
2. Divide the essay into three parts—the introduction, the middle and the conclusion
3. Divide it into a number of paragraphs, each paragraph dealing with one idea or thought.
4. Write the essay in easy and simple sentences.
5. Give proper attention to spelling, punctuation and grammatical correctness.
6. When you have finished writing the essay, revise it thoroughly to see that you have expressed your ideas correctly.
7. Always begin and end your essay in an interesting and attractive way.
I am giving below a sample essay that would help you to see how the ideas have been developed paragraph-wise.
Sample Usage
My Pet Dog I am fond of animals. One day, when my father brought a little pup for me from one of his friend's house. It was a German shepherd. I named it Kipper, after the name of a famous comic character. Kipper was a little pup of only three days when it was first brought to our house. Then it could not even walk properly. It was really a difficult task to look after such a small pup but my mother as well as my sister duly assisted me and make it easier. After some months, it grew into a full-fledged dog with a commanding personality. Now, it is fully trained to guard our house against burglars. It allows none to enter the house without our permission. Kipper has a brown coat blended with a white tinge. Its eyes act as two antennas and when there is any slightest suspicious sound around, it becomes alert. Kipper is a lover of cleanliness. It enjoys its bath lavishly. My sister combs its silky hair. It eats milk, bread and meat. Everyday, I go for a morning walk and Kipper always accompanies me. Whenever it sees a bird, it starts barking and runs after it. It also runs after the other dogs and barks at them in a thundering voice chasing them away from our path. It is never afraid of any dog around. There is hardly any dog in our locality which hasn't ever got mauled by this German shepherd. So, now no dog in the whole locality dare pick up a duel with Kipper. I am very proud of my dog. To me, it is the best dog in the whole world. It is my best, sincerest and most reliable friend.