It is an adjective. Meaning: It means isolated.The root of the word is clud/clus/claus/clois which indicates cloister, cluster.This is used to indicate that one is shut off from world, often for religious reasons.
Etymology: The word recluse is from Latin word "recludere" which means 'shut up'. Historically, the word is used to refer to the perfect isolation of a hermit.
Related forms: reclusively - adverb, reclusiveness - noun.
Synonyms: cloistered, withdrawn, ascetic, secluded, solitary, antisocial, misanthropic,sequestered.
Antonyms: social
Sample Usage
1)His reclusive nature is mistaken by many for arrogance. 2)He live in unsocial reclusive life. 3)The fruit vendor is sitting under the reclusive calm of a shade tree. 4)I am reclusive and I don't allow anyone to touch my things or interfere in my issues.