Proper Usage
Hi friends,
We have already discussed about the meaning of homophones and their usage. Now I am giving below the use of some more ‘Homophones' along with their spellings, proper meanings and usage: Homophone — Meaning— Usage
1. Alternate— Every other— He meets me every alternate day. Alternative— Option— There no other alternative for him but to wait.
2. Beneficial— Useful —Winter rain is beneficial for wheat. Beneficent— Kind — Although he is rich, he is beneficent to one and all.
3. Berth—Seat in a train— I have reserved my berth for Mumbai. Birth— To be born— The birth of the first child was celebrated in the family.
4. Consider— Think about— The principal has agreed to consider our request. Considerable— Significant— The recent flood had made considerable damage to the crops.
5. Career — Vocation— I pray to God for your bright career. Carrier— One who carries— Flies are the carrier of many diseases. 6. Canvas—Rough Cloth— The canvas tent was uprooted in the storm. Canvass— Campaign —They have decided to canvass for the young leader.
7. Confident— To be Sure — He is confident of getting the first position. Confidant — Intimate — She discussed the matter with her confidants.
8. Comma— Punctuation marks — Commas can change the meaning of a sentence. Coma— State of Senselessness —The patient went in coma.
9.Compliment—Praise— I am thankful to you for your kind compliment. Complement— Harmonize: —They are complement to each other.
10.Censor— Edit— The movie was censored before releasing. Censure— Criticize— All the members of the committee censured the new motion.
11.Disease— Illness— Mosquitoes are the carriers of malaria disease. Decease— Dead— Everybody mourned for the deceased leader.
12.Dessert— Sweet dish— We took desserts after the dinner. Desert — Arid region— Sahara is the largest desert of the world.
13.Dual— Double— Nobody likes him for his dual policy. Duel— Fight between two persons— The warrior was defeated in the duel.
14.Difference— Dissimilarity— There is no difference between you and me in this matter. Deference— Esteem— We have great deference for our principal.
15.Draught— Breeze— We enjoyed the cool draught after the scorching heat. Drought— Lack of rain— The whole village was affected by severe drought.
Sample Usage
As given against each.