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Blandishment is a noun.

Synonyms are: flattery, cajolery, wheedling, ingratiation, fawning, blarney.

Antonyms are:insult, offense and derogation.

Easy Synonyms for Blandishment are: adulate, boot-lick, butter up, court, glorify, massage, over praise, puff, sell, soften up, sweet-talk, toady.

Blandishment can also be used in the context of sycophant or as a servile flatterer or informally as a 'Yes Boss Man'.

Sample Usage

1) Blandishments of Raju left Kiran very pleased.

2)USA yielded to the blandishments of China.

3)One should never get carried away by the blandishments of his fellow beings or by his subordinates.

4)Success through blandishment will always vanish into thin air in a jiffy.

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