In English dictionary there is a word for almost every kind of killing that a person can think of. Here are the words for various types of killing:
Suicide: Killing onself
Fratricide: Killing of one's brother ( In Latin fratris means brother )
Sororicide: Killing of one's sister ( In Latin soror means sister )
Uxoricide: Killing of one's wife ( In Latin uxor means wife )
Matricide: Killing of one's husband ( In Latin maritius means husband )
Infanticide: Killing of new born children ( In Latin infants means baby )
Regicide: Killing of a King ( In Latin regis means king )
Genocide: Killing of a whole nation or race.
Parricide: Killing of either or both parents.
Sample Usage
Due to recently occurred floods in Andhra Pradesh which led to the destruction of many crop fields, the farmers opted to commit suicide.
In ancient days people of middle east used to practice infanticide
In olden days people used to commit fratricide and sororicide for the sake of property.
Durga committed matricide by killing her drunken husband.
Mr.Ravi committed uxoricide as her wife was indulged in many illegal activities.
The local people was involved in regicide by killing their neighboring nation king who tried to conquer their region.
People who can't look after their old parents commit parricide.