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Difference between Farther and Further

    Author:     Member Level: Platinum    Points: 5 (₹ 5)

Farther is a preposition.
Meanings: beyond; past; at a greater distance
- Antonym is within.

Further is an adjective.
Meanings: additional; more; extra; supplementary
Further as a verb means: advance; foster; expand; broaden
- Antonym is prevent.

Sample Usage

Examples of Farther:
1. Shailendra threw the javelin farther than the previous athletes in the final round and grabbed the gold medal.
2. The farther the hotel from the town center, the less likelihood it would get a large number of guests.
3. Each long jump athlete tries to leap farther than the others.

Examples of Further:
1. The note at the end of the document gave a further explanation of the contract.
2. Furthering good relations between the boss and his employees is always conducive to ensuring that the staff stays on for the long term.
3. The boss gave a further increase in salary to his staff as bonus for their hard work.

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