We might have come accross the words "subject" and "predicate" in many places but some of us may not know what they are. Whenever we write a sentence, we name a person or a thing and we also add some information about it. Thus, in a sentence we must have a suject and also we must say anything about that subject.
Hence every sentence has two parts namely "subject" and "predicate". Subject is the name of a person or a thing and predicate is the information we say or predicate about the subject.
Usually the subject of a sentence comes first but occasionally it comes after the predicate of the sentence. Example: 1. Down went the rolling rock. 2. Sweet are the uses of adversity.
Only in the imperative sentences, the subjects are invisible and to be understood.
Example: 1. Close the door. (here the subject "you" is understood) 2. Wish him the best. (here the subject "you" is understood)
Meanings: predicate - dependent occasionally - happening sometimes but not regular adversity - difficult or unfavorable situation
Sample Usage
(bold - subject , italics - predicate)
1. He is playing the game. 2. The cackling of geese saved Rome. 3. Down the street runs the cat. 4. Do not play football. (the invisible subject is "you") 5. No man can serve two masters