This word is a Latin derived word used in the context where one is criticized or reprimanded severely. The sentiment of criticism is at a higher level. The most important point that we need to keep in mind for castigation is that general scoldings or fightings do not come under this category.The degree of uttering of words is prominent and momentous.
In good terms this word is used wherein to punish a child in order to correct him/her from wrong doings.
Related Forms: The Noun Form is: castigation, castigator The Adjective Form is : castigative, castigating
Synonyms are: objurgate, scold, reprove, chide, discipline, criticize, chastise, chasten. Antonyms are: non castigate, endorse, allow, accept, approve, laud, permit.
Sample Usage
1)Peter was castigated by his friends as he failed to keep up his promise and let everyone down in front of their office delegates.
2)I was castigated by my teacher as she got annoyed of me not completing my project on time.
3)There was a war of castigation between the leaders of two parties during the campaign of elections.
4)The CEO of Electronics Ltd castigated Mr.Rakesh for not completing the work on proper time and thereby ending up in losing the contract worth of 500 crores.
5)"Robbers should be caught and castigated for all the damage they have done", suggested John in an annoying tone.
6)After the judgement, the lawyer was taken aside and was further castigated by his client for his inefficiency.
7)After the end of the show which lasted for 4 hours, Michael castigated the show which had no sense of meaning.
8)The politician wanted to castigate the reporter who reported false news on him and defaming his image.