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Letter to the principal requesting for original certificates.

    Author:     Member Level: Gold    Points: 6 (₹ 6)

This is the season of students completing their Bachelor's degree and seeking for jobs and higher studies.
So, students need to write a letter to the Principal or The Director requesting for his/ her Original documents.This originals are very important for a student and he/ she should be in a position to know how to request for the same.

This letter should be very formal and should stick to the point thereby creating a very clear picture in the minds of the principal.

Sample Usage

The Principal,
{Name of the Institute}

Subject:Issue of my original certificates.

My name is {Your name} bearing the Roll No.{Your Roll Number} of a particular section. I have studies in this esteemed institute from {years}. I have successfully completed my graduation very recently and have also applied for a specific job.
So, I would kindly bring to your request to issue my original certificates which have been with the institute for the course of study. would kindly request you to look forward into my problem and respond at the earliest.
Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

{Your Name}

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