When you change your residential address, you need to get it updated at number of places like banks, school if you have kids, mobile connection, LIC, etc. There is no option of updating the address online in case of banks due to security reasons. They will ask you to fill a form and submit a copy of your PAN card.
In case of mobile connection, if you have a corporate connection then you can discuss with the SPOC in your organization for his advise. You can write to them an e-mail with your new address mentioned and attach the scanned copy of the rent agreement for their reference. The sample usage is given below.
Sample Usage
Hi Udit,
This is to bring to your notice that we have shifted to another rented house. The new residential address is given below:
29B, DDA Flats Pocket 2 Mayur Vihar, Phase 3 New Delhi
I would request you to kindly change my address in your records and send all the bills and other communications at the given address. Attaching the rent agreement for your reference.
Kindly acknowledge the e-mail.
Regards, (Write your name)