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Similar Sounding Confused Words: All ready and Already

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The words all ready and already are often confused as they sound similar.

Note, though, that 'all ready' are two words and should be pronounced as two words and not hurriedly, otherwise it does sound exactly like the single word already!

In fact, the words all ready and already are totally dissimilar in meaning although both have the word 'ready' in them which basically means ‘prepared'.

1. All ready means that a person or group are fully ready to do a particular activity or that a particular object is fully ready.

2. Already is an adverb.
Meanings: before now; previously; by now.

Sample Usage

Examples of All ready
1. The students were not all ready for the new best five ICSE policy.

2. Ashish and his friends were all ready for the trip to Jog Falls, Karnataka.

3. It was necessary for the entire group to be all ready, otherwise the project could not be launched.

Examples of Already
1. Shirin told her husband that she already had her lunch.

2. The teacher could not understand why the students were persistently asking questions about the same thing when he had already explained in detail.

3. Peter told his friends that since he had already been to the XTREME sports bar, he preferred to visit some other bar.

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