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Comparative and Superlative degrees of Adverbs

    Author:     Member Level: Gold    Points: 6 (₹ 6)

Comparatives and Superlative degrees of Adverbs: Just like adjectives, adverbs also have degrees of comparison. The rules of comparison for adverbs are same as for adjectives. For short adverbs with one syllable we should add 'er'
and 'est' to the adverb.
For Example: Rani came early to the party.('early' is the positive degree of adverb which modifies the verb 'came'.)
Raj came earlier than Rani. (Here 'earlier' is used as the comparative adverb)
Ram came at the earliest.('earliest' is the superlative adverb)
Therefore, early, earlier, earliest are the three degrees of adverb.

Here are some more degrees of adverbs:
Soon/sooner/soonest, hard/harder/hardest, long/longer/longest, fast/faster/fastest, high/higher/highest, close/closer/closest.

Irregular adverbs: good or well/better/best, little/less/least/badly/worse/worst.

Adverbs ending with'ly': beautiful/more beautifully/most beautifully,efficiently/more efficiently/most efficiently

Sample Usage

Rani writes essays well. Ravi writes better essays than Rani. Ram writes the best essays among them.

Ravi works efficiently. Rani works more efficiently than Ravi. Raj works most efficiently among them.

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