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A paragraph is a connected series of sentences related to the same subject. Just as a sentence contains one main thought, in the same way a paragraph contains one main topic or theme. All the sentences in a paragraph should be so grouped together that they must serve to develop the main theme.

Qualities of a Good Paragraph:-

1.Unity – A paragraph must not contain more than one main topic or main theme. If it does, then it is a bad paragraph. The test of a good paragraph is that its theme can be expressed in one sentence called the topic sentence. A good paragraph is therefore a short essay in itself, to which a suitable title can always be given.

2.Order – In a good paragraph the thoughts are always arranged in a clear and logical order. The events are given in the order of their occurrence. All ideas are connected with the main idea and are arranged according to their importance or order.

3.Variety – Lastly, a good paragraph contains both short and long sentences. It contains sentences of different length and of different construction.

How to Write a Paragraph:-

1.Think out the points upon which you wish to write. To get such points, frame questions about the topic and think out answers to them. These answers will provide you with points to develop.

2.Having got the points, arrange them in proper order. Important points should be mentioned first, and minor after wards.

3.Make the first and the last sentences of your paragraph most attractive. The first sentence should arouse the interest of the reader, and the last should satisfy it. A short sentence, quite to the point, forms the best introduction.

4.Do not deal with more than one main theme in your paragraph.

5.Make your sentences short and varied in length. Take care that every sentence you write is clear and complete.

6.Revise what you have written. Remove all mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation etc. Find out whether your paragraph reads like a short essay.

Sample Usage

A Motor-car Accident

It was only yesterday that I saw a motor-car accident which but for the timely whistling of the policeman, would have resulted into a ghastly tragedy. I was out for a stroll on the Mall. At the cross-roads, near the General Post Office, I came upon the wreckage of two cars. The smash had been caused by a car coming down, which had swept round the corner of the road and crashed into a car coming up. Happily, no one was killed, though some sustained serious injuries. The driver escaped unhurt. One woman received injury in the head. She was at once moved to hospital. The policeman on point duty tried to stop the car coming down. But coming as it was at a speed of seventy miles an hour, the driver failed to pull up in time. The tragedy was the result of the craze for driving at full speed.

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