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An adverb is a word used to modify or describe an adjective, a verb, or another adverb. Adverb express particularly matters of time, manner of acting or doing, place and the like.

Rules of using Adverb:

Rule 1. The adverbs, sometimes, seldom, often, always, never, ever, frequently, rarely are placed before verbs they qualify. But these adverbs are placed after ‘to be'.

Rule 2.The adverbs, only, merely, chiefly, solely and some others are placed immediately before the word they qualify.

Rule 3.Too and Enough.
(a)‘Too' means more than ‘enough'. It should not be used in place of ‘very' or ‘much'.
(b)When ‘too' is followed by an infinitive, it implies a negative suggestion.
(c)Enough means according to the proper limit. Ad an adverb it is always placed immediately after the adjective it qualifies.
(d)‘Too' means “more than enough" while ‘enough' means that proper limit has been reached. ‘Enough' is placed immediately after the adjective it modifies, but too is placed before the adjective it modifies.

Rule 4. ‘Seldom or ever' is not a correct expression. The correct expressions are ‘seldom or never' and ‘seldom if never'.

Rule 5. Much, Very, Quite.
(a)‘Very' is used with Present Participles, with the Positive degree of non-verbal adjectives and with Past Participles established as independent adjectives.
(b)Much is used with Past Participles and Comparative and Superlative degrees.
(c) ‘Very' means ‘in great degree'. ‘Quite' means ‘completely' or ‘wholly'.

Rule 6. ‘Only' can be used as an adverb and also as an adjective. There should be no confusion in its use.

Rule 7. We should never use an adjective in place of an adverb or vice-versa.

Sample Usage


Rule 1.

(i)He smokes seldom. (Wrong)
He seldom smokes. (Right)
(ii)He is always punctual.

Rule 2.

(i)He died only a few weeks ago.
(ii)I said this merely in support.

Rule 3.
(i) This pen is too cheap. (Wrong)
This pen is very cheap. (Right)
(ii) He is too young for this job.
(iii) You are too early today.
(iv) He is too old to work.
(v) He was good enough for my needs.
(vi) He is rich enough to bear this loss.

Rule 4.

(i)He seldom or ever behaves sensibly. (Wrong)
He seldom or never behaves sensibly. (Right)

Rule 5.

(i)This book is very interesting.
(ii)He is a very same politician.
(iii) He is much loved by his wife.
(iv)He ran much faster than he could.
(v)I am quite well.
(vi)She is quite right.
(vii)His brother is very handsome. (Don't say ‘quite handsome')

Rule 6.

(i)There was none else at home so I only met him. (Wrong)
There was none else at home so I met him only. (Right)

Rule 7.

(i)I will arrange it suitable to your needs. (Wrong)
I will arrange suitably to your needs. (Right)

Typical Sentences

(i)This flower smells sweet. (not sweetly)
(ii)I am very glad to meet you. (not too)
(iii)The climate of this place is very refreshing. (not much)
(iv)The pill tastes bitter. (not bitterly)
(v)This answer is quite correct. (not very)

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