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How to Write Letter for Internship in Foreign University

    Author:     Member Level: Gold    Points: 15 (₹ 15)

>First of all, you have to write 'from' address and then 'to' address on the left side of the letter at the top.

>Then have to proceed with addressing the concerned person and have to introduce yourself, mentioning your present status i.e whether you are a student or working somewhere etc.

>And then start with the purpose of the letter i.e. to say the reason for your writing the letter . In this, you can say about your interest in the current fields available at their university and giving the reason of why you are so interested in those and how you came to know about those available there and what you thought of them.

Be positive and always be formal. Never allow yourself to glide off from the main course and overdo to show your interest.
Be clear about what you actually want to do under him and the reason for choosing HIM. Never drag things.

>Now get about specifying your strengths. At first you have to specify only those aspects which are related to the current application and these have to be main things which form roots that will help you in gaining this internship.
Like for example,mention projects that you have done that are related to the internship and also slightly specify your major break through in that.

>Then you mention other strengths that show your other capabilities.

>After that,give a conclusion that indicates your very interest and convey that you will be grateful if you are accepted and mention that you can contribute to the team.

>Then specify if you have enclosed anything.

>Give thanking note and specify your email id along.

A sample letter which I have written ,will give you clear understanding and provide you with certain phrases which look convincing.

Sample Usage


A S Kranthi Kiran
Indian institute of technology, Madras (IIT Madras)
Chennai – 600 020


Prof Dan Zhang
Assistant Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering department,
Ontario institute of Technology


I would like to introduce myself as a fourth year Metallurgical and Materials Engineering B.tech degree student of the Indian institute of technology, Madras, India. I am extremely passionate and interested in the aspects that are involved in manufacturing, ceramics and mechanical behavior of materials. Upon reading your profile, I came to know about your profound knowledge and research interest in the area of high performance manufacturing processes, Ceramics and I would like to work under your able guidance in my winter holidays (Nov 2009- Dec 2009). It would be a truly enriching experience for me as I will be able to better my understanding of the subject.

I am currently in my 7th semester. I am currently doing courses on modern materials and ceramics processes and mechanical metallurgy. I will also be doing a course on Bio-ceramics and iron and steel making in my next semester. I would have completed these courses by the time of my summer holidays.

I am also currently doing a project under Prof T.S Sampath Kumar, professor of Bio Materials engineering section, IIT Madras on preparation to Ti-Nano fibers through electro spinning process.

As my resume reveals, some of the relevant courses that I have completed are Materials technology, Principles of Physical Metallurgy, creep fracture and fatigue including labs dealing with study of various machine stresses, their operational details and attachments and with different manufacturing processes. I have also obtained good grades in the above mentioned courses.

I would like to be a part of your team as it would be privilege for me to work under your guidance as well as understand the subject better. I also hope to contribute to the team. I have enclosed my resume for your review.

Thank you for your consideration

Yours truly,

A.S Kranthi Kiran

E Mail: urskranthi.kiran@gmail.com

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