It is a verb Meaning : cancel or repeal (a law or an agreement).It means to abolish or do away with using their authority.If anything is officially or formally revoked or canceled then we use the verb abrogate.
Etymology: Latin
Root of the word : 'rogare' which means ask
Synonyms: repeal, annul, retract,cancel,retract,negate,annihilate
Antonyms : retain, introduce,establish,preserve,ratify
Related forms: abrogable - adjective abrogation - noun abrogative - adjective abrogator - noun
Sample Usage
1)The old law needs to be abrogated and an absolutely new law must take its place. 2)She abrogated my new project during its development. 3)The new rules,which came into action, need to be abrogated as they won't allow progress.