Some and Any are easily confused words. Both words are used in different contexts and mean different things. They cannot be used one for the other. You must understand the difference between some and any through their meaings.
Some can be used both as an adjective and as an adverb. A. As an adjective some has multiple meanings. (i) Meanings of some as an adjective: a number of; a quantity of; a few; a little Antonym: none; all (ii) Some can also mean: particular; selected
B. Meanings of some as an adverb: approximately; about; more or less; roughly; nearly. Antonym: exactly.
-- Any can be used as an adjective, adverb, and as a noun. A. Meanings of any as an adjective: several; whichever. B. Meanings of any as an adverb: in the least; slightly; at all. C. Meanings of any as a noun: one. Antonym: none.
Sample Usage
Examples of Some: 1. Some people seem to have all the luck!
2. Despite warnings, some ISC members continue to copy-paste information in their posts.
3. It was difficult to get some of the society members to agree to the necessity of increasing the maintenance charges.
-- Examples of Any: 1. The ISC Webmaster requested that any one of the other Editors should help the Editor of the English section to clear the pending posts.
2. The Election official informed the city's residents that if any of them had not yet received a Voter's ID card, they could report it to the local election office in their area.
3. The engineer realized that it did not matter which spot of the land could be utilized for the pool as any would do due to the presence of the water source in both sections.