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Offer Letter

    Author:     Member Level: Silver    Points: 7 (₹ 7)

When any organization intends to offer us a job after we clear test and round of interviews, they give us offer letter. So offer letter means the letter issued by the Company to you containing information such as Compensation details, what all documents you have to submit at the time to joining and other terms and conditions. You can either accept the offer letter if you intend to join that organization or you can reject it.

Sample Usage

Dear Ms. Sangeeta Puri,

Congratulations! With reference to your application and subsequent interview with us for a career in our organization, we are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for employment in our organization as Senior Executive.
You are requested to join us on or before 30 July 2010.

You will be on probation for a period of twelve months from the date of your joining. Your compensation would be as outlined in Annexure I. The general terms and conditions governing your employment are outlined in Annexure II

On the date of joining, you would be required to submit the documents listed in Annexure III. Please note that the submission of all listed documents is essential for the validity of your appointment in the Company.

Annexure IV provides details on the various compensation components and selected benefits that we offer you.

As confirmation of your acceptance, please sign the duplicate copy of this Offer cum Appointment Letter and Annexures and submit the same within 7 days to SARITA RAO at the address given below:

ABC Company, Sector-1 NOIDA-201301

Welcome to our Organisation! We look forward to a mutually fruitful association.

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