Adjectives of number: Adjectives that tell us how many persons or things or how much of a thing we are talking about, are called quantitative adjectives.
For Example: Many books, five books, some books. The nouns that are following the adjectives are are countable nouns.
Much sugar, a little sugar, some sugar: the nouns are uncountable here
much wisdom, some wisdom, little wisdom the nouns are abstract nouns.
The above adjectives that are placed before various kinds of nouns answer the questions: how many? or how much?
They are called the quantitative adjectives. They may or may not mention a definite number.
Cardinal and ordinal numbers : One, two, three and the like are called Cardinal numbers.
First, second, third and the like are called Ordinal numbers. They tell about the exact position or a rank of a person or a thing.
For example: I have bought three different books. The first one is a novel, the second one is a grammar book and the third one is a book based on literature.
I was promoted last month. Now I hold the second position in the Company.
Please note : In the above example, three is an adjective which is cardinal. However the numbers first, second and third are Ordinal adjectives because they are explained in order.
Sample Usage
Do you have any information regarding the departure of the train?
I have set aside some money to buy a new wrist watch.
The first period which I attended today was very interesting.
The two friends of Rani are very helpful.
Rani has a few questions to ask you.
Ten ranks were given to the best students. Raj got the fifth rank.