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Abbreviations are short form of words. They are short cuts used to save time and space. Modern age is the age of speed. It is the age of supersonic jets. Language is a vehicle of thoughts. Thoughts must be expressed in the fewest possible words. Words are symbols or thoughts. The modern man, for his convenience, uses the shortest forms of words. In other words, he makes use of abbreviations. Every dictionary makes use of abbreviations while giving the meanings of words. In our daily life, we make use of abbreviations while writing. For instance we use

AD for After the Death of Jesus Christ
BC for Before Christ
BA for Bachelor of Arts
BBC for British Broadcasting Corporation
CM for Chief Minister

Sometimes it happens that we use abbreviations, but actually do not know what they actually stand for. It is not only necessary but essential that we know what the abbreviations signify. We should make use of abbreviations only after a clear understanding of their expanded form. We must be able to expand and contract words. That will pave the way for a better understanding of the English Language. We absolutely have no right to make use of abbreviations unless we can expand them and understand their meaning and significance.

Sample Usage

Common Abbreviations:

1. ADMK: Anna Dravida Munetra Kazhagam
2. AI: Air India
3. AIIMS: All India Institute of Medical Sciences
4. AIR: All India Radio
5. BE: Bachelor of Engineering
6. BHU: Banaras Hindu university
7. CA: Chartered Accountant
8. CPI: Communist Party of India
9. DC: Deputy Commissioner
10. DAV: Dayanand Anglo Vedic
11. ECG: Electro cardio-gram
12. FAO: Food and Agricultural organization
13. GPO: General post office
14. HMT: Hindustan Machine Tools
15. IAS: India Administrative Services
16. JCO: Junior Commissioned Officer
17. KG: Kindergarten
18. LIC: Life Insurance Corporation
19. MA: Masters of Arts
20. NDA: National Defence Academy
21. OIL: Oil India Limited
22. PCO: public Call Office
23. QMS: Quick Mail Service
24. RAF: Royal Air Force
25. STD: Subscriber's Trunk Dialing
26. TB: Tuberculosis
27. UGC: University Grant Commission
28. VIP: Very Important Person
29. WHO: World Health Organisation
30. YMCA: Young Men's Christian Association

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