A word, generally is a combination of a root, suffix or prefix.
Words are grouped into the same catagory generally because they developed from a common root.
For example if we take the root as "ped" which means "foot". Some of the words originating from this root word can be:
1)pedal 2)pedestrian 3)orthopedic.
The best way to learn/ understand the meanings in the English language is to have a knowledge about the root word.But one should not fully be dependent on the root word for example 'pediatrician ' has nothing to do with foot, because pediatrician means, doctor for children
A root word may come in the begining of the word. It may come in the middle or can also come in the end.
Sample Usage
Clo( shut / close): 1)closet 2)enclose 3) disclose
Cre( to grow ) 1) increase 2)crescendo 3)increment
Dem(people) 1)democracy 2)epidemic 3)pandemic