Abstract Nouns show quality, condition, state, thought or feeling etc. An Abstract Noun can neither be seen nor touched; it can only be felt. Most of the adjectives can be changed into Abstract Nouns. Quite often we are confused whether to use an Adjective or an Abstract.
Let's see some examples:
Adjectives Abstract Nouns
Angry— Anger Brave— Bravery Cruel— Cruelty Cheerful— Cheerfulness Good— Goodness Hungry— Hunger False— Falsehood Fair— Fairness Open— Openness Strong— Strength
Sample Usage
1. Why are you angry with me? 2. I cannot bear my father's anger.
3. Really, you are a brave boy. 4. The bravery of the Indian soldiers is well known.
5. The cruel man beat his son mercilessly. 6. Cruelty to animals is an offence.
7. She is always cheerful. 8. You can never dampen his cheerfulness.
9. The little boy is very good and gentle. 10. The goodness of a real gentleman never diminishes.
11. A hungry man can commit any crime. 12. Hunger is the best sauce.
13. All his allegations are false. 14. Falseness can never win in the long run.
15. It is not fair to cheat anybody. 16. Fairness in judgement is most vital.
17. You are strong enough to carry the box. 18. The real strength of a country lies in its citizens.
19. The thief entered into the room through the open window. 20. Openness in every matter is essential.