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3 Types of Sentences

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Basically speaking there are three types of sentences, when it comes to sentence making. Without stretching too long, let me talk of them in a very sorted way. Depending on the stance, there are three types of sentences.

Affirmative Sentences - This is the first type of sentence, known as affirmative sentence. These sentences, are in fact the most basic kind of sentences in the three types of sentences. Why are they the most basic sentences because they are simply in agreement. These statements are just normal statements, in which only there is positive aspect of the things. There is no negation in these sentences.

Here one cannot words which deal with negation like no.

Negative Sentences - The name of this type itself tells what it is all about. In this type of sentences, definitely there is negation in some aspect or another. The words are for sure needed there which deal with negation of something. In fact, this type of sentences are just opposite to the affirmative sentences, therefore. While the affirmative sentences deal with positive influence through a sentence, without any negation in use, these type of sentences popularly known as negative sentences are for sure, just in negation in some aspect.

Interrogative Sentences - This type of sentences are neither opposite to the negative sentences, nor the affirmative sentences. In these sentences, there is some form of interrogation, that is some form of question asked. There is neither negative nor positive aspect in the sentence.

It is just related to asking questions, therefore while interrogative sentences are the questions, the negative or the affirmative sentences are the answers in a case.

It is really easy to understand, so let's have a look on the sample usages.

Sample Usage

Affirmative Sentences

1. My name is Gyandeep Kaushal.
2. ISC is really a fantastic website.
3. People like to contribute in ISC.
4. Referring to dictionary is always benefiting.
5. Your Altec Lansing speakers are really marvellous.

Negative Sentences

1. I don't want to talk to Sampda.
2. I just don't want to buy that stuff.
3. Bengali is not an easy language to learn.
4. I am not a humorous person.
5. I don't agree with you.

Interrogative Sentences

1. Do you want to go to school?
2. Did he come to your house last Sunday?
3. How is editing done in ISC?
4. How can people study so much?
5. How many megadiversities are there in the world?

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