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Making Notes

    Author:     Member Level: Gold    Points: 25 (₹ 25)

Note-making is an important writing skill. Notes help us to keep important things in memory. They present large chunks of knowledge briefly and concisely.

They help us to:

1.Remember important details of the subjects we have read, learnt, written or discussed.
2.It helps us to remember important details of whatever we have read in the recent past.
3.It also helps us to prepare a speech, lecture, an essay or to participate in a discussion.
4.It helps us during our preparations for an examination.

A good note should have the following features:

•It should be brief, concise and preferably written in the third person.

•It should contain only the relevant details or facts of the subject. Any illustration, description, explanation etc. in support of the subject should be avoided.

•Information should be presented in phrases and words only. Use of full sentences should be avoided and no specific grammatical pattern should be followed.

•All Information, relating to the subject, should be presented in a logical sequence.

•Notes are usually written in a tabular form; divided into main points, sub points, sub-sub points and so on. The division may be presented as;

Main Points: 1, 2, 3… or A, B, C… etc.

Sub points: i, ii, iii… or a, b, c… etc.

: Sub-sub-points: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.1.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.3--- etc.

•Abbreviations and common symbols can be used in notes but only the key words should be converted into abbreviations.

•The abbreviations, if used, should stand for one word only.

Note: The standard symbols, generally in use, are:
i.e. = that is, = equal to
viz. = for example, /= or etc.

Sample Usage

Read the following passage carefully and make necessary notes on the basis
of the passage:

Man has depended on plants ever since life began. The reasons are various- for food, shelter, clothing, fuel, furniture etc. The destruction of plants has been a cause of tremendous concern to him. Hence he tries to preserve plants from both man-made and natural calamities. He adopts various methods to overcome these calamities. To do so, scientists also evolved the process of tissue culture whereby complete plant can be developed from just a part of the plant. This proved to be a boon. This technique involves a process in which small pieces of different parts of a plant body are grown on a nutritional media under completely sterile conditions. This concept dates back to 1878 when a German Botanist Vochting said that from a small plant piece, a whole plant could be regenerated. Later, in 1942, Haberlandt suggested that the cultivation of artificial embryos is possible depending on the nutritional media.

Importance of Trees

1.Invaluable for human beings:
(i)Free gift of nature.
(ii)Provides: food, clothing, fuel, furniture.

2.Human concern for destruction of plant life:
(i)Causes of destruction . . .
(ii) Deforestation . . .
(iii) Natural calamities . . .

3.Human effort to preserve plants:
(i) Various Methods adopted . . .
(ii) Tissue Culture . . .
(ii). a)Process

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