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Most Common Mispronounced Words - Series 1

    Author:     Member Level: Gold    Points: 10 (₹ 10)

There are some of the most mispronounced words in English language. One should take care of them well before speaking them out of the mouth. As said earlier by me, pronunciation is a really tough thing in the English language because of so many factors involved like silent letters, different usages, different traditional pronunciations and so on. They all influence these words which are often mispronounced by we, the people, and we do not even bother to know the correct pronunciation because we don't think about it and we can't think about it, because we possess a reflex feeling in our minds that we are speaking the correct way, and why then check it again. So I will be trying my best to enrich your vocabulary with good pronunciation by helping you out with some words which are often mispronounced. Not only this, but I will also be guiding you with the most frequently false pronunciations used for the concerned words. The first pronunciation is the right one while the second ones will be the wrong pronunciations, and I will let you note by denoting the correct one starting as 'R' (right) and 'W' (wrong).Here is the first series of the words -

1. Suite - A series of something, like rooms or so.
R > Su-eet
W > Soot

2. Sue - Appeal, petition
R > Soo
W > Su-ee

3. Genre - Style or kind of something, like songs or so.
R > Zahn-ra
W > Jen-re

4. Algae - A eukaryotic living thing belonging mainly to kingdom plantae.
R > Al-je
W > Al-gi

5. Potato - A vegetable, a tuber crop.
R > Pa-te-to
W > Po-tae-to

6. Sure - To be confident about something.
R > Sheo-r
W > Su-rey

7. Sugar - A sweet substance, widely used.
R > Su-gar
W > Shu-gar

8. Midst - In the middle of something.
R > Mid-st
W > Mi-dust

9. Gear - A popular device in automobiles to increase the velocity limits.
R > Gee-ar
W > Gay-ar

10. Often - Frequently
R > Off-en
W > Of-ten

11. Woman - A female human being.
R > Woo-muhn
W > Woe-man

12. Spinach - A particular type of edible leaf.
R > Spin-ech
W > Spi-ne-ch

13. Gibe - A mock off, a taunt.
R > Jibe
W > Guybe

14. Thursday - The name of a day in the week.
R > Th-as-day
W > Th-rus-day

15. Wednesday - The name of a day in the week.
R > Wennes-day
W > Wed-nas-day

16. Rhetoric - The effective use of language.
R > Ret-er-ik
W > Rhe-tau-rik

17. Aptitude - Talent, ability
R > Ap-ti-tyood
W > Ap-ti-chewed

18. Here - Describing a place nearby
R > Hey-ar
W > Hee-ar

19. Paranoia - A disease, in which one is always in suspicion about others thoughts.
R > Para-noyee-aa
W > Para-noya

20. Melody - Musical sounds
R > Mel-uh-di
W > Melo-di

Sample Usage

Let's have an example for each of them with the help of one sentence each, for better understanding of the words.

1. Can I book a suite for my brother in this hotel of yours'?

2. I sue you to please forgive my son.

3. My favorite genre is Rock, huh, I just love Rock.

4. Algae are big factors causing eutrophication.

5. I don't like potato, rather cook other vegetables.

6. I am sure you like this city.

7. I am not allowed to have sugar, well, I am suffering from diabetes.

8. In the midst of all, I would like to sing a song.

9. The fifth gear in Maruti Swift leads to a max speed of 160 km/hr.

10. I often used to meet her on the roadside.

11. There is something which cannot be understood by any man, it's a woman.

12. Why do not you cook spinach soup.

13. They always gibe for her hairstyle.

14. Well, the birthday of my girlfriend this year is on Thursday.

15. Last Wednesday I cooked pizza on my own.

16. Your rhetoric experience is really good, your words say that.

17. He is a person with aptitude when it comes to music.

18. I would like to come here and see something.

19. You are really suffering from paranoia, the guy you thought was her boyfriend, is actually her brother, you stupid.

20. The melody you played was really adorable.

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