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Tips for Email Applications

    Author:     Member Level: Platinum    Points: 20 (₹ 20)

Sending emails and SMS messages have become so much part of our lives that we tend to use short forms of words and generally be curt in our communications. However, sending an application via email, whether it is for a job, for leave, etc involves a different kind of communication – one that incorporates politeness, preciseness, and conciseness. In short, PPC should be your mantra for applications via email.

1. Politeness: Never make abrupt and curt statements that may not be directly rude but convey impoliteness.
(a) Always begin with Sir/Madam.
(b) Don't start off with “I am applying for …." Instead, you can state “I wish to apply for…"
(c) Don't say “See attachment for my resume". Instead, you should state “Please see the attachment of my resume".
(d) Always end with a “Thank you" and “Regards", not “Thanks".

2. Preciseness: Never use short forms of words. It is ok to use ‘u' and ‘thx' for emailing a friend, but never for an application or an invitation. Use the full words: you and thanks.

3. Conciseness: Never ramble in your email. Emails are supposed to be short and sweet. When applying for a job, especially, be sure to check if there is a request for the C.V. as a separate attachment or it is mentioned clearly that the C.V. should be given in the text of the mail itself.

Keep in mind that there may be hundreds of applications, such as for a job or for a scholarship. So be concise straight away in the first sentence itself. An example: if I am applying for freelance writing work, in the first sentence I can say - I am a convent-educated Postgraduate resident of New Delhi, working as a freelance writer from home since the last six years. In this one sentence I have given complete information: my educational qualification, my place of residence, my interest in working from home as a freelancer, and my experience. So right away I am making a good impression with my prospective employer by being concise and letting him know all about me in a nutshell. I can then give in brief my resume, specifying my full name, contact numbers, educational experience (Institutes and degrees), and work experience. That way, I don't need to even send my resume as an attachment. Instead, I can send 2 samples of my writing work as attachments to give an idea of my skills.

The above mantra applies to email invitations too, whether for a marriage or a company event. Be polite; be precise; be concise.

Email communications are really easy if you use this PPC mantra. Then watch how your emails easily land you that coveted job or that much-needed leave!

Sample Usage

1. Application for leave.

2. Application for freelance writing work.

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