Disdain means to view or treat with haughty contempt or scorn.
Disdain is a verb.
Synonyms: abhor, brush aside, look down upon, reject, snub, spurn, treat with contempt, detest, deride, frown upon.
Antonyms: admire, awe, fear, regard, respect, reverence, favor.
Note: Disdain can also be a noun.
Example for disdain in case of noun is:
The house owner treated the tenants with obvious disdain.
Sample Usage
The hero disdained playing the role of the snowflake, but he did it anyway, thinking that it might launch his career.
I disdain the thought of entertaining such an obnoxious client.
The statement made by Mr. Ravi was so ridiculous, I disdain even commenting on it.