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Informing Bidders for the Proposal Presentation

    Author:     Member Level: Silver    Points: 7 (₹ 7)

For any IT project to be outsourced to India or any other country by a client, there is a formal process that is to be followed. This process is bidding process wherein Request for Proposal (RFP) is sent to capable vendors.

There are many milestones in the Bidding process like submission of the proposal, Proposal Presentation, Bid Defense, Due Diligence, Best and Final Offer submission (BAFO) etc. And at each milestone, vendors are intimated whether they can appear for the next stage or they are out of race.

Formal e-mail is sent to the vendors inviting them for participation. Below-given e-mail is an example of inviting bidders for the Proposal Presentation.

Sample Usage

Your organisation has been invited to present to the ABC team next week.
Your timeslot is shown below. Unfortunately we have had to reduce the time allowed by 30 minutes to 2 hours, so it is important that you focus, in a crisp manner, on the key elements of your proposal (as advised in my previous email to you on this subject).

The presentation is to be held at the same location as the workshops in June. Please arrive 15 minutes before your allotted time and wait in the reception area until Marie collects you.

Please confirm receipt of this invitation, together with the names and roles of the 6 people who will be attending from your organisation ASAP.

Tech Mahendra: Thursday 29th July 16:30 - 18:30

(Write your name)

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