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    Author:     Member Level: Silver    Points: 7 (₹ 7)

An Apostrophe is a punctuation mark (') grammatically required to indicate

  • possession (the donkey's ear, the dogs' tails, Priya's house)
  • contraction (it's an ill wind that can't blow any good)

Always ensure that the apostrophe is placed correctly. When the noun is plural and the spelling ends with "s", then the apostrophe is put after "s" at the end as in ladies'. In these examples, the noun is plural:

  • children's
  • ladies'
  • men's
  • people's
  • two years' experience

And in these examples, the noun is singular:

  • each other's
  • one another's

Sample Usage

1. My mother's house is very beautiful.
2. We must respect each other's feelings.
3. Go straight to go to the ladies' tailor shop.
4. My son's class teacher is very understanding.
5. The children's games are thoughtfully designed these days.

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