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Present continuous tense

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Present continuous tense : Even though it is a simple one, I find people making a serious mistake while using it. Let me point it out .

I am living in Mumbai from 2000. This sentence is wrong . Let me correct it first.

Either say: I am living in Mumbai at present or I have been living in Mumbai Since 2000 or for ten years.

A present continuous tense (also called Present Progressive) denotes an action which is happening for the present time and will continue to happen for some more time. However, it will stop in due course. Therefore, when you use this tense , please don't mention any past time or use from. If you mention any past time with this, the sentence stands confused and incorrect.

Sample Usage

Rani is playing chess.
I am working for ABC Limited right now.
My brother is studying in Presidency College.
My mother is sleeping. Don't disturb her.

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