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Similar Sounding Confused Words: Predominant and Predominate

    Author:     Member Level: Platinum    Points: 6 (₹ 6)

The words Predominant and Predominate are commonly confused words in everyday English due to the similarity in the letters of the words. However, both are used differently and have different meanings; one is an adjective and the other a verb.

1. Predominant is an adjective.
Meanings: main; major; chief; largest; biggest; leading.
Antonym: minor.

2. Predominate is a verb.
Meanings: be in the majority; prevail; dominate; outweigh.

Sample Usage

Examples of Predominant
1. By the end of the third round, it was obvious that the Indian boxer was the predominant of the two competitors.

2. The predominant factor which is considered when selecting an award winner is to check the quality of the member and not the quantity of contributions.

3. The weather conditions of the destination are invariably predominant factors most people consider before setting out on a vacation.

Examples of Predominate
1. The disadvantages of the new syllabus were predominated by the advantages.

2. The coach's time was predominated by drawing up of strategic play tactics.

3. The strawberry flavour was predominated by the raspberry one in ice cream sales on the first day the food parlour opened.

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