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Better to get an egg today than a hen tomorrow

    Author:     Member Level: Gold    Points: 3 (₹ 3)

Life is always unpredictable. So are its opportunities. An opportunity that we get today may not be available to us tomorrow. If we reject the chance at hand hoping to get bigger chances tomorrow, we are liable to get dejected. So it is always wise to accept and utilize whatever is at hand than being over ambitious hoping to get bigger things tomorrow. Today is what counts. Tomorrow may never come. If one is offered an egg with promises to give a hen later, he should accept the egg instead of rejecting it in the hope of getting a hen later which on the face is more valuable. If he rejects the egg and waits for the hen, the promised hen may not be available tomorrow. Thus he will lose both the egg and hen. This is very true in life also. We should be prepared to accept whatever good that comes in our way. It is unwise to reject those good things in the hope of getting better ones tomorrow.

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Better to get an egg today than a hen tomorrow

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