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  • Need information about genuine survey application to earn money

    Want to earn money by filling online surveys? Wondering which survey sites are genuine and will really provide money for the applications? Here, on this page our ISC experts shall provide you suggestions to earn money.

    Does anyone know the applications or websites which pay money for completing simple surveys? Recently I have used Zap surveys application and received the payment by completing surveys. I want to know about more applications like this. Please do share, if anyone knows about these type of applications which are genuine.
  • Answers

    6 Answers found.
  • There are many survey sites which give some remuneration for the the time spent for those surveys. The remuneration varies from survey to survey. Some of them do not give cash and only give some coupons or vouchers which can be redeemed at the merchant outlets physically or online.

    Some of the popular and reputed sites are ValuedOpinions, iPanelOnline, Cashcrate, The Panel Station, Viewfruit India Panel etc. One can try to register there and see the modalities before going to take up the surveys on a larger scale.

    One thing which I want to mention about these sites is they will be checking and rechecking your profile data like age, annual income, gadgets hold, family details etc time to time and if there are variations in your feedback then the survey might be terminated and you lose the chance to participate. So be consistent in your profile and do not answer vaguely. It is very important if you want to take up the surveys for earning some money. Most of these sites will require a Paypal account also.

    Knowledge is power.

  • There are numerous sites offering you oppurtunities to earn money by going through their surveys. Of these, Global Test Market, View - fruits, Panel stations are the major ones.
    You will be provided some topics to show your familiarity with some products and they would like to know how this product is doing in the market and other allied questions.
    The survey indicates the timing for completion roughly 20 or 30 minutes offering you points in varying quantity in terms of points. You will have to accumulate the points and on reaching the threshold points, you will be allowed to redeem it in the form of vouches redeemable in Amazon or cash through Pay - pal.
    The awards earned through such process are not as remunerative as it appear since time consumed in such process is substantial and rewards are meagre. Moreover, in the process of survey, you may be disqualified any moment if you could not offer the correct answer as expected from you. This in turn would kill your time and energy with zero points.
    So overhaul such games would make you tensed with your consistent rejection for the surveys.

  • There are many survey sites which remunerate the people for completing the surveys. I have some experience in this and want to share a few points here. The surveys will be continuously coming to you as an alert or information in your email. It many times so happens that you do not see it or see it after 8-10 hours. In such cases when you attempt the survey it will tell you that survey is closed and not available now. So if you want to complete the survey it is necessary to take up it as early as possible. There are many people waiting for these surveys and if the number of people attempting meets the requirement of the survey owner than no further people are allowed to go through it. Other important thing is do not attend to the survey options in a casual way. See the options and give an honest choice. There will be similar questions in the survey and if your answers are differing significantly the survey may be closed with a regret message.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • In context of the surveys, there are very few good and genuine survey sites in India. However if you wish to give some genuine surveys for paytm cash or the payout. I'd recommend some of the following survey sites.

    1. YouGov : This survey site recurringly sends the surveys and gives some liberal amount in return for the survey. They pay 3600/- Rs as payout in Paytm Cash. Also there are few other options available for cashout too like charity etc.

    2. Rakuten India: So this survey site has some decent surveys and 1 point here is equal to 1 Rs. And they pay cash in the paytm when you reach 100 points. Apart from that they also get the payout through shopping voucher. Each month you can ask for payout at the 19th of each month which needs to be triggered last month.

    3. Indiaspeaks : This is a bit difficult survey sites but they also pay through paytm cash. You can get the payout at 500 Rs. They send the payout through paytm and also few other options. I have not got regular surveys from them but some of my friends have good experience.

    There are few others like - ValuedOpinions, iPanelOnline, The Panel Station are good survey sites but they take a lot of time to reach the payout.

  • I feel that we should not fall prey into a new survey seeking companies who are offering lucrative perks against each survey. These new survey companies are seeking our personal information and though they mention that everything is kept secret and won't be revealed. I am of the view that data transfer of our information is taking place and thus our details are given to gullible companies to exploit us more in a different way. As you revealed one company survey has already been done and you received even the payments, better to believe and trust the same instead of going for other companies.

    K Mohan
    'Idhuvum Kadandhu Pogum "
    Even this challenging situation would ease

  • You are spoiling your time during the process of surveys enormously the reason being given below-
    1) Instead of naming a particular survey company, this is applicable to most of such survey panels requesting you to undertake a particular survey of a product for which a time - slot is indicated such as 20 minutes or so but while you are in the process of responses the time taken may be twice as specified earlier and if successful the award will be not that much attractive winning you hardly 40 points. Where each point corresponds to Rupee one.
    2) These survey companies even though you are responding satisfactorily may abort all of sudden regretting that survey is closed due to over response. In such situation, you may feel cheated.
    3) The pay out of the most of the voucher companies are in the shape of coupons not redeemable at all the outlets. You need to trace out such stores.
    4) Somehow or the other, you are addicted with such games which offer you peanuts in term of payments.
    5) Though these companies claim, they maintain secrecy of the members, sometimes it may not happen so because of their improper dealings.
    6) There could be numerous outlets suiting to your requirements such as if you are inclined to Mathematics or any subject, display the lectures in Utube getting attractive payments apart from enrichment the knowledge of viewers.

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