Your BCA degree and afterwards a degree of post - graduate - M.Sc in Computer - science is the best combination and in no way, you have beyond your line.
Now to have better career in the teaching line, you need to clear the NET test organised by CBSE and prior to it, ensure that the minimum aggregate marks in post - graduation is beyond 55 percent. After clearing the NET test you will be eligible for the post of Lecturership in a constituent college, though a formal interview will follow after the NET test enabling the experts to decide your place of posting apart from your other interests. Later, you can go in for the Doctorate - degree for your better prospects in the teaching line.
While talking regarding your option to join a job in the Banking - sector, you can join as a Probationary- officers in both Public - sectors or the private ones provided you clear both written and oral tests included for the selection of the candidates.
While looking the pattern for such tests, you must have sound concept in Mathematics such as Compound - interest, Percentage, Trigonometry, questions involving equations, your Reasoning skill and the basic rules of English - grammar. In addition to that you must be proficient in English so that a better clarity of your ideas would emerge before the Board of interview. Hence this needs a prudent planning. Certainly this can be achieved with a better guidance of a professional - institute. You need to be a serious minded while going through this preparation. Questions appearing in the Banking - examinations are not so tough but you need to answer the questions within a stipulated period so as to fetch impressive marks. In that direction, your professional institute may reveal valuable points to crack the test.