Quality analyst post is a specific function in a BPO or call centre environment and keeps a record of the communication made by the call centre executives and analyses them for any deficiencies as regards to service to customer and advises them to improve those practices as well as enhance the quality of their service to the prospective customers. It is definitely a higher position in the organisation and many business houses employ managers for quality analysis and required behaviour modification in the business and commercial services rendered by the BPO employees. Customer is the important entity for the business houses so a quality analyst has to evaluate and identify the key elements in the call between a customer and its executives and then encourage or discourages certain practices of the concerned employee to enhance service quality.
If you are interested to make a career in that line then with your experience you can present yourself as a good candidate for the same and please be look out for the advertisements of such positions in the leading sites like naukri, linkedin, monsterindia etc. There are many vacancies advertised in these sites and one can choose among them as per the eligible skill sets one has. Positions abroad are also advertised for many countries especially Canada and Australia.
To enhance ones knowledge in the field one can go for some course in this line. Now a days online courses are also available. Some of the courses one can think of pursuing are Certified Senior Quality Expert Course, Certified Quality Expert, Quality Management etc.
Knowledge is power.