Never do this. You are likely to end up being a jack of many trades, but master of none!! First of all, focus is very important in careers. You must do only one course. After all, only this will fetch you success. Some years ago, from the same Mumbai, you might have heard the story of a girl who lived in a 220 feet house, if one may call it. I guess it is called Jobarpaetti or something like that. Her father was an auto driver who had migrated from Villupuram ago. This is a town 162 kms south of Chennai city. What happened? She was CA number one in the final examination and also overall ranking and she was flooded with so many offers.
Secondly, you need to have a big clarity on what your strengths are and you also need to check for the scope of a particular branch of study. You can do two courses at the same time, but both should fit your line of specialization and they should also interest you.
I will give you a specific example: from the city of Chennai, there are hundreds who take the entrance exam to the Chartered Accountanty or ICWA course after their plus two examination. Simultaneously, they also enrol for the B.Com distance education course of the prestigious Madras University. Since their advanced preparation for the ICWA course is very intense, they easily pass their B.Com degree and then also complete the ACA or AICWA course. Even manufacturing companies recruit them for salaries like right hundred thousand rupees per annum. This is the wisest and most intelligent thing to do. Check your interest and do only one course at a time.
You might have heard about Event Management and the Supply Chain Management courses. Even these courses are too good. You could plan your career, based on your specific interest, but do only one thing at a time. Never jump into the game, believing someone or some advise that may never correspond to job realities and futuristic careers.
All the very best.