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  • Regarding gap between 10th and 12 fth

    Do you have a gap between 10 and 12 standard? Want to know if this is eligible for a government or a PSU job? Here, on this Ask Expert page you can scroll through the responses and decide how to proceed.

    I did my 10th in 2005 from UP. But due to misfortune in family I did my 12th in 2013 from NIOS followed by my regular graduation. Currently I'm doing job on 10th basis. If I apply for government or PSU job on graduation basis, will this gap create problem or I can apply any way?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • No It does not matter how much gap you have in education. However authorities have right to ask you gap certificate. Usually it is been asked because people do multiple studies / graduation same time. I.e. Working and doing graduation . In any case it is required only for studies so you don't have to worry about it.

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  • No, it will not create any problem. There are many candidates who are having similar issues due to one or another problem.
    You just need to make a few things very clear-
    1. Your 10th and 12th passing certificate must be valid and from the affiliated institute.
    2. You should be ready with a valid reason for the gap, as it may be asked during an interview and your reason should be convincing.
    3. You must be eligible to apply for the job considering the age criteria even after counting your gap years.
    So, check your eligibility criteria and apply for the job.


    Living & Learning- simultaneous processes!

  • There is no problem of having gap of year in your education to appear for government jobs examination. There are certain criteria which are looked upon for any government job selection, some are :

    1. Age - Many post in government job selection have below and upper age which need to be followed.
    2. Education - As you have completed your graduation, you can apply for the post that matches your qualification provided your degree is from a recognised university / board or institute.
    3. Valid reason - The interviewer may ask you the reason for the gap which needs to be impressive. Be prepared to give a honest and accurate answer for the year gap with reference it possible.

    “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." — Morrie Schwartz

  • Your gap between 10 th and 12 th Board is not likely to cause any impediments provided you can justify the gap. However, you have to ensure the following parameters-
    1) Age - Ensure that you are fitting the age - bracket as demanded by the organisation.
    2) Qualification- You have to ensure each certificate is from from the recognised institute/ university. Some organisations ask for the regular courses and in such cases the certificates from the distance education courses would not be acceptable.
    3) Gap- The gap in your case between 10 th and 12 th has to be justified with a valid certificate. In case of your prolonged illness or any member of your family, you need to furnish a medical certificate to substantiate the fact. In case of other malaise such as epedemic, famine etc, you need a certificate from a Mukhia or any authorised officer to justify the cause.

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