Program to overload * operator using C++.
Studying for object oriented programming exam? Having queries regarding usage of overload operator using C++? Check out this page where our ISC experts have provided answers for your questions.
Following is a question that was asked in the question paper of II/IV B.Tech Degree Examinations,
(April/May 2015)conducted by Acharya Nagarjuna University for subject Object Oriented Programming Systems, Semester-II
Q) Write a program to overload the operator '*' to replicate a string for 'n' number of times (Ex. "ANU"*3 should result in "ANUANUANU"). [7 Marks]
(April/May 2015)conducted by Acharya Nagarjuna University for subject Object Oriented Programming Systems, Semester-II
Q) Write a program to overload the operator '*' to replicate a string for 'n' number of times (Ex. "ANU"*3 should result in "ANUANUANU"). [7 Marks]